When I first tried to sign up for Google AdSense, I got turned down. Here are the reasons why(the reasons Google gave for turning me down) :

We do not allow Google-served ads on screens:

without content or with low value content,
that are under construction,
that are used for alerts, navigation or other behavioural purposes.

So Getting a blog accepted by Google AdSense means you need to creating high quality sites.
So, I made a list of what they needed, and I worked on each thing one by one until I met all the requirements.

ID Requirement Type Weight (%) state description
1 Comply with Google’s policies Necessary 20 [X]
2 Own domain Necessary 10 NOT DO
3 Sufficient content Necessary 15 [X] at least 20
4 Clear site structure and navigation Necessary 10 [X]
5 Original content Necessary 15 [X]
6 Valuable information Necessary 10 [X]
7 Content length and depth Recommended 5 [X]
8 Regular updates Recommended 5 [X]
9 Fast loading time Necessary 5 [X]
10 Mobile-friendly design Necessary 5 [X]
11 Non-intrusive ads Recommended 2 [X]
12 Privacy policy and disclaimer Necessary 5 [X]
13 Contact page Necessary 3 [ ]
14 SEO optimization Recommended 5 [ ]

V1 2024-07-03

In the first version, I met points 1, 9, 10, and 12. It also included 2 articles.

V2 2024-09-09

In this version, the following updates are included :

  • Articles with images included

Re-applied, but was rejected :

For more information about google adsense, review the following resources :